Vancouver, BC

Trauma Therapy

Bringing resolution to challenging experiences

Helping you feel safe in your skin

Areas of focus for trauma therapy
•Sexual or physical trauma or abuse
•Abusive or neglectful parents or caregivers
•Relational trauma from partner or family relationships
•Childhood and developmental trauma
•Intergenerational trauma

Many people who have experienced trauma feel like they are stuck repeating the same painful patterns over and over. They might experience anxiety or fear frequently and find life overwhelming when there's too much on their plate. Perhaps this sounds familiar to you. Maybe you feel like you want to escape your life or frequently have even “small” tasks feel like they are too overwhelming.

Stuck in fear and feeling powerless to change it, you may feel like life is out of control.

Do you feel numb, panicky, overwhelmed?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You are in a constant state of panic and it rules your life.

  • You feel unable to do your day-to-day responsibilities.

  • You feel dread, fear, anxious thoughts, and a heavy heart.

  • You feel fear stricken, even in the “comfort” of your own home.

  • You sometimes wake up feeling like you’re dying.

If this rings true for you, I want you to know that you're not "crazy" and that these are experiences that can result from trauma. And even though you might feel alone in your struggle, what you are going through is common and it's okay to ask for help. Even if you don't believe you deserve care, you do.

Trauma therapy can help you break the cycles of stress, anxiety and fear

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could...

  • Stop worrying all the time.

  • Feel more free and safe in your body.

  • Finally be free from years of constant anxiety and panic.

  • Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live and the decisions you make.

  • Get to the root of issues and find resolution there.

Manage your anxiety

Trauma therapy helps you rise past your challenges and start getting your life back on track, releasing anxiety and creating a sense of calm in your life again.

You can develop the capacity to regulate unpleasant bodily sensations and deal with the challenges that arise in life and finally resolve things from your past.

Even if you are nervous about starting therapy, trauma therapy may be able to help. I’ve helped people struggling with constant worry find their way to feeling more calm without having to give up their successful careers. My clients discover that it's possible to be productive without living life and doing work at a frenzied pace.

About trauma

Sometimes trauma can result from one-time events like a sexual assault or a car accident. Trauma can also be a product of seemingly “small” things that happen, especially if they happen over a sustained period of time. It is not so much about what the events or experiences or situations are, but more so about how you (and your body and nervous system) respond to them, and the aftermath that results.

Traumatic responses are often automatic and beyond our control. You might feel like you’re going crazy or losing control of your life, or that your world is crumbling and there is no way that you can keep it together. Sometimes these responses can begin to surface years or even decades after the event(s) connected to them. Traumatic responses can be incredibly debilitating, creating repetitive “loops” of extremely uncomfortable sensations, extreme emotions, reactivity, flashbacks or intrusive thoughts, or being easily startled, irritable, or anxious. There can also be a sense of numbness or spacing out and disconnecting from your body. These automatic responses can directly conflict with what you consciously want for yourself, causing an extreme sense of tension and conflict within oneself.

Fortunately, we have learned a lot about how the brain, nervous system, body and mind respond to extreme or prolonged traumatic events, as well as how we can safely support the healing and restoration of health and bring back a sense of control and safety following traumatic experiences. You might feel abnormal due to past traumatic experience(s), but I can almost guarantee that what is happening in your brain, body, and nervous system are all normal responses in the midst of challenging circumstances.

Get started

If you feel stuck in repetitive patterns of anxiety and fear, trauma therapy could help.

Start now and get back to a place of stability in your life. Set up a complimentary consultation where you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.

Email me to set up your consultation today at