Vancouver, BC

Sex Therapy
& Intimacy

Building confidence and trust

Sex is a fundamental dimension of the human experience

Common concerns in sex therapy
•Sexual anxiety, guilt, or shame
•Sexual trauma or abuse
•Difficulty with intimacy
•Conflict due to religious or spiritual beliefs
•Self-esteem and building confidence
•Compulsive or addictive sexual behaviours
•Out of control sexual behaviours
•Erectile dysfunction and sexual functioning
•Premature or delayed ejaculation
•Sexual dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment
•Lack of or excessive sexual desire

Sex can be a challenging area of life to navigate. Many people who start sex therapy experience anxiety or a sense of guilt or shame around sex in their life. Some might have sexual issues or concerns that have become quite problematic in and they are unable to work through them on their own. Perhaps you can relate.

Stuck in negativity and feeling anxious most of the time, you may feel like life is spent constantly feeling "on edge" when it comes to sex.

Do you feel insecure, ashamed, or guilty when it comes to sex?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You feel lonely, even when you are with others.

  • You’ve lost the joyful feelings and excitement that you used to have in life.

  • You are in a constant state of stress or anxiety.

  • You wake up every morning feeling overwhelmed.

If these sound true for you, I want you to know that you might feel embarrassed to open up about what you’re really going through, even to loved ones. Therapy provides a non-judgemental space for you to talk freely about what’s bothering you. It's not selfish to prioritize caring for yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to reach out for help, and even more so when it comes to a topic as incredibly personal as sex. It can be intimidating. You don’t need to suffer alone though. Taking the step to reach out is worth it, and I assure you a safe and judgment-free space to address whatever issues you might be facing.

Sex therapy can help you live with more joy

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could

  • Stop worrying all the time.

  • Have the intimacy you want with your partner

  • Create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire.

  • Have the mood and attitude that aligns with your own happiness and fulfillment.

  • Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live or make any decision for you.

Live life as who you really are

Your sex life has an impact on every other aspect of your life. Sex therapy helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal sex life with less suffering and more fulfillment.

You will get you the effective skills you need to discover ways to cope with challenges and lower your anxiety in your sex life.

Even if you are not sure how a therapist could help you, sex therapy may be able to help. I’ve helped people struggling with challenging situations and constant anxiety find their way to feeling more calm without having to make sacrifices in their personal life. My clients discover that it's possible to find the fulfillment they’re looking for in a safe, happy, and mutually beneficial way.

My name is Milos Despotovic and I am a registered clinical counsellor and sex therapist who is here to help.

How sex therapy works

Sex therapy generally consists of 50-minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, I will share thoughts or tools when it's helpful and guide you towards solutions. I play an active role. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

1. First, I provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with me.
2. Through hearing your story, I will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.
3. We will start with helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions and challenging situations
4. We will also work to discover what your goals are in sex therapy
5. Keeping your unique goals in mind, we’ll work on developing the skills needed to help you reach them
6. Over the course of our sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire.

Research shows that therapy can positively change your thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you let go of what’s holding you back.

Let’s get started today

If you feel stuck repeating the same painful patterns, sex therapy could help.

Start now and find joy and fulfillment in life again. During your free phone consultation you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.

Email me for your free phone consultation today at

ask about a complimentary consultation to see if sex therapy is the right fit for you